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Freedom is One: Palestinian-Black Kinship Then, Now, and Tomorrow

On view October 15, 2021 – April 31, 2022

Various artists, curated by Rula Dughman

Manal Mahamid, Freedom Flower, 2021, silkscreen print

“…So that the question of how to bring movements together is also a question of the kind of language one uses and the consciousness one tries to impart. I think it’s important to insist on the intersectionality of movements. In the abolition movement, we’ve been trying to find ways to talk about Palestine so that people who are attracted to a campaign to dismantle prisons in the US also think about the need to end the occupation of Palestine. It can’t be an afterthought. It has to be part of the ongoing analysis.“ -Angela Davis in From Ferguson to Palestine 

About the exhibition

The Museum of Palestinian People is pleased to present the exhibition Freedom is One: Palestinian-Black Kinship Then, Now and Tomorrow. Freedom is One explores how artists represent the relationship of solidarity between Palestinian and Black people and their anti-colonial and anti-imperialism struggle since the 1960s. The exhibition brings together a spectrum of artworks that explore themes of politics and resistance through various forms, symbols, and media.

One of the museum’s core values is to collaborate to co-author a new story. We are proud to partner with our Black brothers and sisters to create this groundbreaking exhibition to highlight our shared struggle and belonging for freedom. We hope by launching this exhibition we are creating a new story for America. A new story where our freedom is one. We are all connected whether in the United States or Palestine in our shared desire for dignity, freedom and liberation.

The Museum of the Palestinian People would like to thank the exhibiting artists and organizations: Emory Douglas, Manal Mahamid, Nadir Mauge, Alaa Abu Asad, Majdal Nateel, Asma Ghanem, Dr. Lila Abu Lughod and Rahaf Salahat, Wesley Clark, Buck Rodney Herring, Decolonize this Place, Dream Defenders. MPP would also like to thank those who collaborated and supported the exhibition in different means and methods: Dan Walsh/Palestine Poster Project, Ahmad Abuznaid/Dream Defenders, Will Pointer, Liz Faust, Amin Hussein and Kyle Goen of Decolonize this Place. MPP would also like to thank the sponsors of this exhibition, “Arts Forward Fund” and “Holy Land Christians Society.”

Freedom is One is on view October 15, 2021 – March 31, 2022 and will be available to view on MPP’s website as a virtual exhibition. Additionally, exhibition-related programming will be scheduled through March, including artist talks. Please follow our social media and sign up for our email newsletter to be notified of these events.